A Gary Varvel toon, from the Usual Source:
Lex had a lot to say yesterday... and all of it good... along these same lines. An excerpt:
All of the things you learned growing up in the 40s, 50s, and 60s about the birth and growth of a great nation were lies, gentle reader. And the generations that came after you know it. They do not get a “both/and” or “yes/but” course of instruction in the history of the great (dead/white) men that built this land, with their very real sins contextualized to the times they lived in. What they have learned instead is that American exceptionalism, to the degree that it exists at all, is a great litany of uniquely American mortal sins; over-indulgence, global warming, greed, hubris, and a whole host of “isms”: Colonialism, militarism, and imperialism. But far and away they have been taught about our worst sin of all, racism. This is a sin that can never be fully expiated, no matter how many over-credentialed and under-qualified community organizers of color we elect to lead the free world.Synchronicity. RTWT.
But we can try, can’t we? So instead of national greatness, our students are lectured on the moral imperative of “diversity” by unionized public servants who seem to care more about the size of their paychecks than the number of students in their classrooms. The new priests of orthodox mediocrity have been for two generations teaching our children to kneel with them at the sacred altar of government, from whom all blessings flow and to whom all things should be given, apart from some spare necessities suitable to their plebeian status as cogs in the great wheel of government-driven society.
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