... but I can't stay that way for long, really, and I suppose some s'plainin' is in order. I'm just back from the post office, where I explained to my friendly local postal service employee that I was "officially upset;" please note that I did NOT use the words I felt like using (Yay, me!). Upset because I filed a change of address on 9/18, with an effective date of 9/20, and received an advertisement-laden confirmation from the USPS acknowledging the change on or about 9/20. Today marks the 17th day since the change went into effect and I have received ZERO forwarded mail. So... off to the post office I went.
And, yes... my change had fallen through the cracks and mail was still being delivered to my old address at Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park; the carrier had not been advised of the change. So here's why I can't stay pissed: one of the guys at the PO, a supervisor, got into his truck and drove out to BLHTP for the express purpose of opening the mail kiosk and personally handing me my mail... which was considerable in amount... all the while apologizing, too. That was pretty danged nice of him, actually, and you can chalk that up as another of the many "joys of small town living."
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