Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

WX and Puzzlement

We haven't said much about the weather o' late, mainly coz it's been rather fine with no extremes in any direction, and that would include wind.  That said, we did set a record yesterday:

I'm pretty proud o' myself in that I didn't fire up the AC yesterday.  Those sorts o' temperatures would have seen the AC running all day long were I still in ECMdP, no matter if the awning was down or not.  The new, improved, and Inmóvil casa is oriented in such a manner that it never receives full sun on the front of the building (the long side) and the verandah shades what sun that does fall on the exterior.  So... the combination of open windows, a shady exterior and ceiling fans made for a nice cool day.  I like that.


I noticed sumthin' rather strange while in the shower this morning and it made me wonder...  Why is it the hair on my head... including my beard... has gone completely white silver and the hair in other places is still as red as it was when I was 20?  I'd illustrate the point but I wouldn't want my female readers to go into a swoon, nor would I want to induce feelings of anxiety or inadequacy in my gentleman readers.  You'll just have to take my word for it.

But, seriously... why is that? 

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