Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

It Ain't Funny Anymore

Two from the Usual Source about the OWS "protesters"...

I dunno about you, Gentle Reader, but I'm sick to death of these asshats, the people making excuses for them, and the media coverage.  Their 15 minutes is UP; it's time for the tear gas and rubber bullets.

In other news... I had mentioned in passing a couple o' weeks ago that my new satellite teevee provider didn't have PBS in their channel line-up.  Turns out I was wrong about that, as I happily discovered last evening.  I was looking for the Portales PBS station... KENW... and it ain't there, still.  But I DO have PBS out of Amarillo, which is a Good Thing, and it only took me a little less than three weeks to find it.  The bad news is the station is on Central Time, which means I have to recalibrate my internal clock and watch McNeil-Lehrer (I know, but that's what it still is to ME) at 1700 hrs instead of 1800 hrs.  Same-o, same-o for all my other faves.  But Hey! there will be much more teevee at El Casa Inmóvil de Pennington in future; we're Happy Campers now.  For the moment.

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