Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

This Is Interesting

Up-and-coming social network Google+ will soon be integrated with Google’s blogging platform, Blogger, according to a message now appearing in the “Edit User Profile” section of Blogger’s Settings.

The message reads “Connect Blogger to Google+ : Use your Google profile and get access to upcoming Google+ features on Blogger,” and includes links to “Learn more” and ”Get Started.” Unfortunately, the links are dead-ends right now, so we don’t yet know what type of integration is being planned.

The “Learn More” link is currently dumping to this “page not found” message in Blogger’s Help Center, while the “Get Started” link simply redirects logged-in users to their Blogger Dashboard.

Chitu says it’s possible we’ll soon see even deeper integration between Blogger’s commenting system and Google+ comments in the future, thanks to the forthcoming integration. That would position Google+ against Facebook on another front beyond just social networking: blog commenting.

Facebook Comments (such as those used here on TechCrunch) provide a way for authenticated users to sign in using their Facebook credentials in order to leave a comment. The drawback, of course, to using a system such as this is that it requires commenters to post using their “real” identity, not a pseudonym. While somewhat effective against trolling and other bad behaviors, it also has it drawbacks. 
Rumor has it G+ will soon allow pseudonyms, so all the Anons and folks who don't use their real names can rest assured their privacy will be protected (heh... as if anyone is really anonymous on the 'net) if and when Google links Blogger and G+ comments.  I think the linkage of the two systems will be a Good Thang, but I will admit the bloom went off the G+ rose for me a few weeks back.  I haven't even looked at G+ in over a week... I guess I'm just not that social.

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