Jumat, 30 September 2011

NOT Funny

First, something of redeeming social value, mainly to ease my guilty conscience and make me think EIP just ain't all about ME (even though it mostly is), from Steve Kelley at the Usual Source:

Thank The Deity At Hand MY performance reviews were never like that.


In other not funny news...  I spread my household furnishing dollars around and among three local bid'nizes, for no particular reason other than... well, for no reason, period.  Two of those three bid'nizes were quick and responsive, delivering the furniture I bought either on-time or earlier than expected.  The third?  Not so much.  I ordered my desk well over six weeks ago and was informed yesterday the anticipated delivery date is October 10.  Of this year, hopefully.  OTOH, I just might seek out alternatives but I'm undecided at the the moment.

We may not have a desk but we have a desk chair, said chair arriving via The Brown Truck O' Happiness yesterday.  That was pretty damned quick, seein' as how I bought (ordered) the thing at Office Max this past Tuesday.  I also received a 230-CD storage rack I ordered from Amazon on that very same Tuesday... and spent about two hours, give or take ten minutes or so, assembling both items.  Wonder o' wonders: both chair and storage rack went together easily (if not quickly) and I had NO left-over parts.  That's the good news.  The bad news is I seriously misunderestimated how many CDs I have and must order another rack of equal or greater capacity.  It's always sumthin'...

Further assembly news...  The carport assembly people are still assembling and they've been at this for a full week now.  The landscapers are done landscaping, at least in my general vicinity, and Boy Howdy! am I glad about THAT.  I have some major cleaning to do on the verandah now that the mini-dust-bowl generators are finished.  Well, they're not finished, they've just moved down to the other building... and I suppose there will be more dust, just not as much and not as up-close-and-personal.

I'll have pictures as soon as the carport is done.

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