Selasa, 13 September 2011

Back To Our Roots

I considered an alternate title for this post, i.e., "Wherein Our Shirt Matches Our Beer."  Because...

That would be a New Belgium 1554, both on my shirt and in the glass.  Who said men aren't fashion-coordinated?


In other news... we stopped by the future Casa de Pennington while we were out and about today and had a brief conversation with one of the guys working on my unit, which went sumthin' like this...
Me:  "Ya think you'll be done by Thursday?  Coz I'm told I can pick up my keys on Friday."
Workin' Guy: (Looks at me incredulously, laughs)  "Hell, they're not layin' the carpet until Thursday!" 
That was just the first exchange in what turned out to be a lengthy conversation, the upshot of which is my unit will NOT be completed by Friday.  So... the first order o' bid'niz when I got home was to ring up the furniture company and have my delivery rescheduled for Wednesday.  I have my fingers crossed that everything will be kosher by then; I'm in a whole lotta trouble if it ain't.  Well, it won't be the end o' the world... it'll just be a major pain in the nether regions.

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