I considered an alternate title for this post, i.e., "Wherein Our Shirt Matches Our Beer." Because...
In other news... we stopped by the future Casa de Pennington while we were out and about today and had a brief conversation with one of the guys working on my unit, which went sumthin' like this...
Me: "Ya think you'll be done by Thursday? Coz I'm told I can pick up my keys on Friday."
Workin' Guy: (Looks at me incredulously, laughs) "Hell, they're not layin' the carpet until Thursday!"
That was just the first exchange in what turned out to be a lengthy conversation, the upshot of which is my unit will NOT be completed by Friday. So... the first order o' bid'niz when I got home was to ring up the furniture company and have my delivery rescheduled for Wednesday. I have my fingers crossed that everything will be kosher by then; I'm in a whole lotta trouble if it ain't. Well, it won't be the end o' the world... it'll just be a major pain in the nether regions.
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