Rabu, 07 September 2011

It Feels Downright Chilly

Here's what we look like at the moment...

I'm thinkin' I might have to break out the flannel for this afternoon's Happy Hour unless it warms up right quick like.  I kinda doubt we'll make the forecast high o' 77 at the rate we're going.

I had to get up at oh-dark-thirty again this morning, what with The Green Hornet having yet another crack o' dawn car doctor's appointment over in The Big(ger) City™.  So... up at 0600, shower, shave, toss down a couple o' cups so as to be caffeinated enough to safely pilot a four-wheeled conveyance on the public thoroughfares without endangering the civilian populace, and out the door at 0730 hrs.  And back by 0900, having spent all of 20 minutes at Rembrandt's Auto Body getting TGH's top latch replaced and then moseyin' over to the car wash to get her cleaned up a bit.  She was REALLY looking quite shabby, what with not bein' washed for at least two weeks... on account o' because it just ain't smart to drive a convertible with a leaky top through the car wash.  Like this:

Would you believe that video has been viewed 812 times?  S'true, Gentle Reader.  I think it's coz of my wonderful harmonizing with Keef on rhythm gee-tar.

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