Selasa, 06 September 2011

Busy Busy Busy

It's just noon and we've already been oot and aboot... and accomplished quite a bit while we were at it, too.  I established water and electric accounts for the new place, got an installation date for my fiber connection from Yucca Telecom, and ran by the post office to pick up change of address cards.  Let me say this about that...

Get Off My Lawn!

Why?  Those handy, dandy change of address cards don't exist any longer.  USPS is SO 21st century now, in that you have to go to and file your change of address there.  I'll bet THAT works really well... but I must admit I haven't tried it yet.  Still and even, this IS the post office we're talking about, innit?  You'd think those post cards worked well enough... but NO.  To say I'm apprehensive is understating the case.

I'll be without inner-nets for about ten days or so after I move, too.  Yucca gave me an installation appointment of 9/26 and my projected move date is on or about 9/15.  I don't really expect to move on the 15th, having already been advised by the property management company that that particular date will prolly slip.  But I'd BETTER be moved by the 26th, nu?

So.  We also went to Wally-World and bought food (and more beer), seein' as how the commissary was closed for Labor Day when I was out at the base yesterday.  Now I'm debating whether to kick off Happy Hour early or take a nap.  Decisions, decisions...

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