In the WSJ, of course:
Michael Goodwin of the New York Post "listened intently" to President Obama's Monday press conference, but only "for 15 minutes or so." That's 15 minutes or so longer than the duration of our own intentness, but we did listen falteringly to the whole thing. By contrast, as the president "droned on," Goodwin reveals that he "did something I never did before during an Obama appearance: I turned off the TV."
"Enough," writes Goodwin. "He is the Man Who Won't Listen to Anybody, so why should anybody listen to him? . . . I will leave that unhappy duty to others. I am tired of Barack Obama. There's nothing new there. His speeches are like 'Groundhog Day.' "
Goodwin is dead wrong about that last point, and he owes Bill Murray an apology. "Groundhog Day" was a terrific movie. Apart from that quibble, though, we feel Goodwin's pain, and we suspect most Americans do. The World's Greatest Orator is almost always uninspiring, condescending, self-aggrandizing, peevish and grim.
C'mon, James... tell us how ya really feel. One suspects, as Taranto implies, that Mr. Goodwin is waaay behind the power-curve when it comes to The One's speeches. As for me, the last time I remember watching an Obama speech was the SotU and I only watched then to see if any of the Republicans would throw stuff at him... or shout "Liar!" Mainly coz we loves us some drama, Gentle Reader, even if none is forthcoming. Hell, I even mute Obama's frickin' soundbites; reading about them is more than enough.
Toon from the usual source.
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