... and back again. Went over to The Big(ger) City™ to pick up a new pair of readers and found they gave me the wrong strength once I got home... me bein' too stoopid to check the case while I was in my optometrist's office. It's always frickin' sumthin' and I HATE it when that sumthin' is a self-inflicted wound.
Stopped at Wally-World to pick up a few things and spent at least three minutes standing with mouth agape in the cookie aisle. Here's me, wantin' a bag o' chocolate chip cookies... preferably Chips Ahoy... and I'm confronted with NINE different varieties of Chips Ahoy. Nine: Chewy, Gooey, Cashew, white fudge, and Gawd Only Knows what else. It took me a minute to find a bag o' "Originals," seein' as how they only had three left and those were all jammed waaaay in the back, on the bottom shelf.
Sometimes I think we have too much choice in these United States. But I like it.
I ran into Buddy... the proprietor o' Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park... on my way out this morning and this conversation ensued:
Buddy: Mornin'! Say... could ya do me a favor?Heh. "Good ideer," sez I.
Me: Sure! What's up?
Buddy: Could you look up Obama's address on your computer fer me?
Me: Sure... but... ummm... why?
Buddy: Coz I wanna send him all our senior citizens' bills if he holds up those Social Security checks...
And now it's off to make the rounds...
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