As opposed to the rich and famous, of course. We're in from running the day's errands which consisted mostly of re-stocking our food supply. Let me say this about that:
I LURVE these bagged meals. I like the nukable steam bags even better, but Wally-World doesn't carry them. If I had driven the extra 22 miles out to the Cannon Airplane Patch commissary I could have picked up some steamers, but we opted for convenience over selection. And besides that, we're not in need of more scotch at the moment. I'll drive those extra miles to save ten Yankee Dollars on a bottle o' scotch but I won't drive 'em for a wider selection in food. Priorities, yanno?
That said... isn't it weird how a lot of food comes in bags these days? I buy that bagged salad, too. These Modern Times surely are a boon to bachelors... I remember the days of my first encounter with the single life all TOO damned well, the days when I subsisted mainly on Campbell's soup, PBJs, and Kraft macaroni & cheese. Well that and the USAF dining hall, which option isn't available to me any longer and more's the pity. Anyhoo... now it's reasonably easy to eat well (sorta) while not spending hours in the kitchen. Shorter: cooking for one sucks.
Speakin' o' scotch... and we did, above...I succumbed. That Johnnie Walker Gold now occupies a niche in my freezer door, as opposed to me freezing four fingers of the stuff at a time, which means my refills are just as chilled as the original pour. I highly recommend this practice if you haven't tried the frozen booze trick. I'm not sure if it works on run o' the mill booze but it sure makes this Gold stuff taste wonderful.
The eagle-eyed among you will notice an object floating in the bottle and that's the remnants of a piss-poor cork. The whiskey is excellent, the cork not so much. It's a good thing I still had that bottle of Glenmorangie hangin' around when I broke the Gold's cork, coz that Glenmorangie cork fit the Gold bottle perfectly. Sometimes ya live right... or get lucky.
Random notes... I finally got off the dime and paid the bills today. The holiday kinda-sorta screwed me up as the USPS wasn't on the job Monday. I'm almost never this late in getting the checks in the mail, but I'm not late-late. Nothing's due until the 15th.
Speaking of mail... various and sundry organizations keep sending me return address labels (I'm pretty sure I have a lifetime supply now) which I cheerfully use, albeit with a twinge of guilt. That's because these people always ask for a small donation and I always decline but I continue to use their labels. What a miserable freeloader I am, eh?
I coulda swore I had sumthin' else, but it escapes me now. You're welcome.
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