Charles Duncombe says an analysis of website figures shows a single spelling mistake can cut online sales in half.
Mr Duncombe says when recruiting staff he has been "shocked at the poor quality of written English".
Sales figures suggest misspellings put off consumers who could have concerns about a website's credibility, he says.Well, not only that but poor spelling makes ya look like a bleedin' IDIOT. We shall not go into poor grammar, we'll just take the one point and leave it at that. I have very little sympathy for poor spellers as there are tools... like Firefox... that flag spelling errors before you put your pearls o' wisdom out on these inter-tubes. It's a real idiot that ignores the availability of that sorta stuff.
The concerns were echoed by the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), whose head of education and skills warned that too many employers were having to invest in remedial literacy lessons for their staff.
Mr Duncombe, who runs travel, mobile phones and clothing websites, says that poor spelling is a serious problem for the online economy.
In re: the graphic. The lose/loose thang might prolly be my Numero Uno pet peeve. Any "looser" that uses that terminology is automajically disqualified from serious consideration about any-frickin'-thing. We'll accept "looser" when it comes to describing wimmen we meet at the bar. Otherwise? Get OFF my frickin' lawn.
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