Kamis, 14 Juli 2011


Let's get the politics out o' the way first:

Heh.  Secret note to Barry:  It ain't workin', asshat.  All your stupid-ass ploy is doin' is increasing my active dislike for yo ass, as if THAT were possible.


More Google secret word stuff:

Google scares me sometimes.

Today is Bastille Day, or the 221st birthday of the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Republics.  Or are they up to five now?  One loses count, not that that matters.  I have some happy memories of cool military parades down the Avenue des Champs-Élysées when the Ol' Man was stationed in Paris.  What eight-to-eleven year old boy doesn't like that sorta thang?  (One more thang... if you embiggen the picture you get a better view of those shiny yet out of focus helmets on the horse-guards behind Monsieur Le President's personnel carrier.  I had one of those.)

So... Vive La France!


Speaking of...   the US women beat the French women in the semi-finals of some apparently Big Sporting Deal a day or so ago.  But David Burge speaks for me on this subject...
iowahawkblog: I won't cheer for the US women's soccer team until they (a) stop discriminating against men, and (b) stop playing soccer. 

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