Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

A Sight Seldom Seen

We're typically blessed with low humidity here on The High Plains O' New Mexico, most often in the single digit range.  But not today, Gentle Reader.  Witness:

That would be our cool, cool glass o' Samuel Adams Summer Ale (life size!), graced with a substantial amount o' condensation.  We have condensation because our humidity is hovering just below 50%... a direct result of the two hours of steady gentle rain we experienced late last night... which left Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park with oodles of puddles, the likes o' which we haven't seen in quite some time.  And we're lovin' it, of course.

That said, we took our first round this afternoon in the shade of El Casa Móvil de Pennington's awning but have since elected to return indoors to cool air-conditioned splendor, now that the heat o' the day is upon us.  Some of you may laugh but 85 degrees and 50% relative humidity has a wearing effect on my poor ol' body.  We are admittedly soft in our Old Age but it is what it is, no?

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