Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Point-Counterpoint In Beer

First there was this... (click = big)

That's an infographic purporting to show the United States of Beer, as published in the Houston Press and featured at Good.is... to justifiable howls of indignation from beer lovers across the continent, but prolly centered in those states where swill like Busch, Keystone Light, Bud Light, and MGD were pictured as the beer of choice (note that Colorado and Texas got the good stuff).  So the Good folks at Good (heh) commissioned a readers' poll and came up with a MUCH better map.  About which, this:
It turns out, much to my delight, that the GOOD community is passionate about GOOD beer! So we asked you to nominate the most awesome, best-tasting, sustainably brewed, independently owned, community-oriented craft beer brewed in your state, and then we made our own map, showing the breweries with the most nominations. 
You can see the revised big-ass interactive map of GOOD beer here... along with an accompanying article about how the ONE representative beer was chosen from each state.  That would leave a LOT of good breweries out of the mix, considerin' there are allegedly 1,600 craft breweries in the US.  It's a fine time to be a beer lover in these United States... and I think right now would be a fine time to pour me a Shiner.

H/t:  A tweet from Beer47.

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