Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


I've mentioned in the past (there's your understatement for the day!) that I'm a great fan of PBS.  I'm NOT a great fan of "pledge week," which has morphed into "pledge-ten-days-or-more" of late.  But I tolerate... barely... pledge week; it's a necessary evil.  A minor digression: I lost access to KENW, Portales' PBS station (run by Eastern New Mexico U) when I switched my teevee provider from Comcrap cable to Dish Network.  I now get KACV out of Amarillo, TX, and I suppose that makes sense to the Corporate Suits at Dish but it doesn't make sense to me.  That bugs me for a number of reasons... no real "local content" is one... but another is KENW held its semi-annual begging down to a very low level.  KACV, OTOH, is in constant beg-mode, or so it seems.

But!  I've watched MUCH more of this begging than I usually would, mainly for the unusual and captivating regional Panhandle accent, which I find amazing.  Here's an example I recorded earlier this evening, pay particular attention to the lady as she speaks, her accent just cracks me up (in a good way).  You'll have to turn your sound WAY up... I apologize for the audio quality.  I thought the MinoHD would pick up the teevee better than it did.

Ain't that sumthin'?  The weird thang is I don't hear much of that accent here in P-Ville.  There's some, to be sure, but not a whole lot.

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