Selasa, 13 Desember 2011


So there I was... watching Red Eye this evening (or this morning, if'n ya get technical about it) and that gotdamned Pajamagram ad for Hoodie-Footies came on at every freakin' commercial break.  EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.  I danged near wore out my mute button but then it struck me...  There's no diversity in this ad!  None at all!  Look:

All 12 of those women are blue-eyed blondes... all of 'em.  Doesn't this break some sorta law?  I mean ain't this America?  What's wrong with the Pajamagram people?  Didn't they get the memo?  I'm gonna call the EEOC or someone like 'em and see if I can't get the ads pulled.  Or mebbe I'll just sue... coz I'm offended.  Racists!

OTOH, mebbe I'll buy one of those damned thangs for every woman in my fam'bly, select friends, and mebbe a few strangers, too.  One or the other.

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