So... I got off the dime today and went down to the DMV to get my new driver's license, register my vehicles, yadda, yadda. But I should use the proper term, since it's called the MVD in New Mexico. That ain't irony; it's appropriate. The story...
In order to get my driver's license/new registration(s) I need (a) my current license (check), (b) two pieces of paper to prove residence (semi-check: I had one on my person), and (c) an actual Social Security card (no check: I haven't had an actual Social Security card since sumthin' like for-fuckin'-ever). I asked if my USAF ID card would do, since my Social Security number is my serial number and the number is right there on that official lil blue United States gub'mint document and the answer was "no," I must have an actual Social Security card OR an application for a replacement card... validated by the local Social Security office, which is in The Big(ger) City™. So we must drive over to Clovis and apply for a new card. But not today.
I also found out that to get NM titles for my vehicles I have to drive said vehicles to the MVD for a VIN validation. That's no problem for The Green Hornet (obviously) but I'll have to do a shuttle operation to fetch El Casa Móvil de Pennington to the MVD for its inspection. I do believe we'll register and title TGH next week, but ECMdP will wait until her Tejas plates expire next February, if she's not sold by then.
Fucking bureaucracy. I hate, hate, HATE it.
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