Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Then and Now

Occasional Reader and blog-bud Deb sent along an e-mail titled "Then and Now," which consisted of contrasting photos of celebrities taken in their youth and what they look like these days.  Herewith two such... rock'n'rollers who are dear to me:

 Neil Young

Linda Ronstadt

The e-mail had a tag-line which said "Oh my! Please God, be good to me!"  Which got me to thinkin'... what of MY "then and now?"  Here it is...

(age 53 and 66)

(added - 1975, when I was 30; SN1 on the left, SN2 on the right)
(click to embiggy, as always)
I think The Deity At Hand has been reasonably kind and merciful to me.  Your mileage... and your opinion... may vary, Gentle Reader.

Note:  Wanna see all of those "then and now" pics?  Drop me a line and I'll forward the e-mail to ya.

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